

This Documentation describes the installation and configuration steps of the Police Panel.

While the installation process is rather simple, some of the instructions presented here will require minimum understanding in working with databases and managing files on a server.

If you’re not familiar with the procedures presented here , we do offer installation Services for an additional fee.



Please ensure that your server meets the following minimum requirements:

Software Modules
PHP 8.0.x & 8.1.x (Benny’s only) BCMath, Ctype, Fileinfo, JSON, Mbstring, OpenSSL, PDO, Tokenizer, XML, GD, cURL
Apache 2+ mod_rewrite
MySQL 5.7.7+
MariaDB 10.3.17
Creating and configuring the database:

If you already have an empty database, a database username and password, you can skip the next steps.

    1. Create a new MySQL database.
    2. Create a new MySQL username and password.
    3. Assign full privileges to your database username.
Useful resources
Uploading the files:
On some operating systems, the dotfiles are hidden by default. Before starting to upload the files, please make sure your file explorer has the option to view hidden files turned on.

Upload what’s inside the Panel folder on the web root folder of your domain. This folder is generally called public_htmlhtml, or, but depending on your server’s configuration, it might be named differently.

Useful resources
Configuring the files:

Set the access permissions (CHMOD) to 775 to the following files and folders:

    • .env
    • bootstrap/cache
    • resources/lang
    • storage
    • storage/framework/
    • storage/framework/cache
    • storage/framework/cache/data
    • storage/framework/sessions
    • storage/framework/views
    • storage/logs
Useful resources
Finishing the installation:
    1. Go to and follow the installation wizard.
    2. Once you’ve installed the panel, login into your account, and go to
    • I have a support inquiry, a question or a problem, how can I contact you?
      You can contact us here.
    • What hosting do you recommend?
      We recommend using our service hosting. 100% performance !
    • Is installation included in the price?
      No, installation is not included. We offer installation services for an extra fee, please consult the Services section for more details.
    • My website returns a Not Found message, why?
      Please ensure that you have mod_rewrite enabled on your server.
    • My website returns a blank page, why?
      This generally happens when one of the server requirements is not met, please ensure your server meets the software’s requirements.
    • Can I resell the panel ?
      You can modify for your own server, but making the modification and reselling the panel with the modification will lead to legal action
Do you have any question?
Feel free to contact us 24/24 on Discord!
Do you need help?
We can provide it: go check our services!